therapize me
Chloe Bell Chloe Bell

therapize me

One time a professor told me, “Your writing reminds me that I should check on the kids who seem perfectly fine.” Welcome to the funhouse!

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page of wands
Chloe Bell Chloe Bell

page of wands

Tarot has been a new anchor for me in 2021. Join me as we unpack some lessons from the Page of Wands.

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blueberry kisses 💋
Chloe Bell Chloe Bell

blueberry kisses 💋

The Bell-Davila smoothie test kitchen is awash with blueberry recipe attempts. This latest one is my favorite so far and includes the supreme smoothie ingredient—peanut butter.

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on writing
Chloe Bell Chloe Bell

on writing

Writing about writing is harder for me than writing itself. Here we go a bit into my thought process behind being vulnerable in writing as well as the risks and rewards this reaps.

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banana mango baby
Chloe Bell Chloe Bell

banana mango baby

Behold the recipe to my favorite smoothie out—the banana mango baby, known for its stunning yellow color and extreme good vibes.

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the adult(s) in the room
Chloe Bell Chloe Bell

the adult(s) in the room

Dedicated to Scout, Angelo, Leia, Tippy, Casey, Bussy, Dust Speck, and all the animals that have crossed the rainbow bridge in our nearly decade long friendship.

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